Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Camping at Verona Beach

May brought the first camping trip of the year, at Verona Beach State Park, with a road trip to Rome VW and Fort Stanwix.

Here we are at Rome VW, where we all lined up for a photo shoot, and I checked out a New Beetle.

Nice, but just not the same vibe...

Our campsite, with Putt-Putt and Taj Mahal side tent.

Dan, as usual made a campfire of modest size (Photo by Phil, from LIMBO).

Sunset over Lake Ontario.

Absorbing history at Fort Stanwix .

Our youngest club member made his camping debut.

Hi, Jackson!

Mark celebrated a birthday.

His twenty-first, I believe.

Great shots of the Bus & the lake Sunday morning, but with the wind, it was a LOT colder than it looks here!

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