Early October brought Westies at Watkins, the sixth year of an awesome event organized by VW enthusiast & all-around-good-guy Joel Cort, who, I hear, has a wide range of super powers.
That probably accounts for the record of 67 Busses set this year.
A weekend of camping & socializing with fellow VW nuts, capped by a spin around the famous Watkins Glen racetrack -- what could be better?
Here's some pics:

For some unknown reason, I'm in my superhero stance here. Perhaps I've just built a fire?
Here's a (jumbled) sort of panoramic view of the baseball field where we camped:

Here we are, next to the white single cab:

Here you can see, centrally located, the nerve center of the Empire State VW Campers (event hosts) Hi, Dan!

A contingent from the EVWC took to the high
ground, to make sure everyone behaved themselves (NOT)!

Here's that little white Bus again:

More Busses on a very warm October afternoon:

After midsummer-like weather Friday & Saturday, the weather changed overnight, & we awoke to a thick fog:

An adventure in the surreal.
Everything looked eerie in Sunday morning's pea-souper.
There was some concern about whether we'd be able to get on the track because of the fog. But we drove on down, & we were able to do 3 laps for $15 per vehicle.
Thanks Joel, for getting us a group rate!
The long shots you see here, of Busses waiting, & then running on the track, are from the LIMBO website:

I believe Joel took them from the grandstand.

SPEED... I am SPEED....

The shots taken out the Bus window were taken by Sherrie, out of the Bus window. It helped keep her mind off my driving.
Nerves of steel, that one.....

Curve coming up!

I THINK I can! I THINK I can!

I KNOW I can! I KNOW I can!

(Actually, there was a strict no-passing rule).

The rear pace car passing us. Since we were last, & on the third lap... Sigh.

Look out, Mabel, here they come again!

Ooh!! Some serious traffic here!

And here we are, bringing up the rear, with 1600 cc's of mind-numbing power...

Awwwww, do we have to get off ALREADY?
I'm still having FUN!
I think I'm ADDICTED!
Well, I'm not sure it can be legal to have that much fun. It must be banned in several states, at least.
Our "racing" experience was all I could talk about for the next two weeks, until everyone at work was sick of it, I'm sure.
Can't wait until next year... Hmmm... Maybe I'll try some hi-test; might squeak out a couple extra mph...
Fall Foliage at Letchworth State Park!
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