But, before we could go & play, Put-putt had to help with a few chores, such as building a picnic table!

Here she is, just back from her first lumber run:
She performed flawlessly, carrying enough lumber for two tables.

The cargo capacity of these vehicles is amazing; 4x8 sheet goods will fit through the r

Do I sound too much like a proud parent?
Here she is posing with a completed table & our tent before the camping trip:

And, before we went on the momentous journey, we had to embellish the interior a little:

We've moved
on from patching
mouse holes to collecting
wine & microbrew labels,
along with other artifacts
from our travels.

So, the weekend of Aug. 12,, we packed the Bus & headed out for Onieda Shores & the VW show.
Here are a few pics of the campsite:

And some long-haired freaky person building a fire:

UGH!!! Tarzan make FIRE!!!

We hadn't actually planned to show the Bus, since we'd never done such a thing before, but thanks to Albert Finocchario, head of the Volkswagen Club of Central New York, who insisted that we couldn't POSSIBLY leave her at the campground, we jumped right in & had a great time talking with all the people who stopped by to have a look.
Some pics of the show:

Who's this paunchy old geezer standing next to my Bus?
Next: Keuka Lake Campout
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