Hard to believe that I haven't updated my Bus blog since early April, but the calendar doesn't lie..
So, in response to my vast following, I'm finally uploading new pics, detailing my Bus achievements over the last month & a half (yawn).
First off, she PASSED INSPECTION!!! Needed NO work!! And, since Putt-putt's a '71, she requires safety inspection only in NYS, just 10 bucks!
It doesn't get much better than that...
I'll now proceed to bore my reading public (both of you) with some details of how I got to this point.
I think when I left off, I w
Here's some shots of how it turned out:
Now, not all the stuff I did since April was neccesarily required by NYS, but it was required by me. Between my inspection & the state's, I believe it's safe on the road now.
Don't you feel safer now?
I thought so...
One of the first big things I did was to replace the brake servo & master cylinder, to get the power brakes working again. What a difference! I've never driven an air-cooled VW with brakes like these!
To people out there driving with non-functional brake servos: Replace them. Yes, it's expensive, but you'll never regret it.
Here's a shot of the new master cylinder & servo:
And another shot , from the front side, featuring
my chief inspector:
And, the chief deputy inspector:
Do you think I passed?
Also, I found that the brake hoses, though they looked good, had internal problems & needed replacement, so I put in all new ones. that cured
some bizzare drifting b
had since the day I drove it home. Seems the right rear hose was partially blocked.
New hose, left rear (I think):
And, a front brake hose, right, I think:
She stops straight & sure now!!
Next: Putt-Putt gets a new Muffler!!!
1 comment:
Super, I love the animal helpers!!
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