You can see inside the rear hatch where I'm using the little boxes that the parts come in to create a collage of sorts. The goal is to brighten up the interior, while preserving important part numbers, keeping them with the vehicle.
My headliner came with a lot of holes, some of them huge. I'll probably replace it someday, but for now , I need something a little easier on my budget & my sanity.
I chose to bridge over the large holes with denim patches cut from some old jeans, and, in one case, a Syracuse Crunch pennant.
To cover a hole, I trim off the ragged edges, & clean the area where the patch will go with some acetone on a paper towel.
Then, I apply Weldwood contact cement (Home Depot) with a disposable chip brush (Harbor Freight) arond the perimeter, & apply the patch.
Once the center of the patch is applied, I work out from the center toward the edges, brushing on glue & smoothing out wrinkles as I go.
I'm covering the small holes with stickers, hence the "Cars" stickers my wife bought me at the drugstore.
She's a keeper!
Says she likes the decor, but maybe she's just being nice....
No, I don't have Filmore yet. Must.. Find... Filmore....
Also visible in a couple of shots is the Sapphire AM radio I bought on thesamba, & the speaker I installed for it.
It works fine, & makes the dash look much better, but talk radio is even worse than I'd remembered. Fortunately, there's a local oldies station that broadcasts on both AM & FM. I can live with that.
The afghans belonged to my grandmother, who passed on in January at age 99.
I hope she approves.
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