For the month of July, Putt-Putt was indisposed, sitting on jackstands with her engine out. Her stablemate, our '85 Dodge Ramcharger, was pressed into service for the Empire VW campout at Cayuga Lake State Park in Seneca Falls.

Putt-Putt graciously loaned out some of her magnetic flower stickers, & I added some appropriate window art. Somehow, we managed to cram everything in!

The Taj Mahal was free-standing this time around, as there's no good way to attach it to the Dodge.

The old Dodge played well with the VW's, being about the same age as most of the Vanagons. There was a bit of ribbing about the non-VW vehicle, of course, and a spirited discussion about the proper spelling of "camouflage".

Overnight, the Gnomes that follow the EVWCC "edited" our side window. Old Folks? Where?

The local odds-makers didn't think we'd be able to cram all that stuff back in there, but we did.

Then there was debate over wh

ether we'd get the old girl started, but we did, and with a cloud of blue smoke, and a wave to our friends, we were on our way back to our day jobs, and reality. Sigh...