Well, it's a long time from February to May, and even a longer time until July, when I'm finally getting around to posting something, due to popular demand from my readership.
OK, in five months, one person asked.
Nevertheless, I forge on.
The Empire State VW Camping Club's first trip for 2008 was to Glimmerglass State Park, near Cooperstown, in May.
I took pictures, but I have no idea where they are, so I lifted a few from the Limbo website:
These were all taken by Joel Court (of Westies at Watkins fame) that stalwart Empire VW Camper who, as we all know, has a wide range of super powers.
Here's Joel's shot of our campsite, showing Putt-putt in all her new flowery finery:

Dazzling! Simply dazzling!
And here we are, kicking back at the campsite on a seasonably cool & grey day:

I don't usually look this grim in photos, really, but i believe this is just after I burned my finger on the propane heater in the background.
2nd degree.
The hand you can't see is wrapped in paper towel & ice.
Sherrie is squinting gamely through the smoke, and trying not to choke on it.
"But sweetheart, camping is FUN..."
One of the trip's highlights (for me) was a visit to the Ommegang Brewery in Cooperstown, where they brew beer in the traditional Belgian style, and package it in 750 ml bottles that take a champagne-style cork, since the carbonation comes from natural fermentation inside the bottle.
Did I mention that the bottles hold 750 ml of beer?
Their several varieties range from 5.5% to 8.5 per cent alcohol.

8.5% beer in 750 ml bottles. Pure genius.
Here's a picture of the ingredients; barley, hops, various grains & exotic spices that I can't remember, maybe because of the 8.5% beer...
Ommegang Brewery is an awesome place, highly recommended.

Note to self: RETURN TRIP SOON!
Saturday night, we had the usual communal bonfire, where I distinguished myself as usual by nodding off & snoring.
750 ml is a LOT of beer...
No matter; the distinguished musicians of the ESVWCC have learned to incorporate my loud snoring sounds into the music.
Sherrie is about to poke me here, while Phil struggles to make himself heard above the racket...

And, no account of the night's revels would be complete without this picture of our leader, Dan (picture twisted by Phil).
Got enough wood there, Dan?

I may actually add some of my own photos here, if I find them. But, then, maybe it's true what they say about beer & brain cells...
Subsequent posts will cover more camping adventures, but for now, a word of advice:
If you're going to pick up an operating propane heater, WEAR GLOVES! YES, THOSE GLOVES! THE ONES SITTING NEXT TO THE HEATER!